Books |
J. Lienig, Susann Rothe, M. Thiele, Fundamentals of Electromigation-Aware Integrated Circuit Design [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] [] Springer International Publishing, Cham, 1st edition ISBN 978-3-319-73557-3, 2018; 2nd edition ISBN 978-3-031-80022-1, 2025.
J. Lienig, H. Brümmer, Elektronische Gerätetechnik — Grundlagen des Entwickelns elektronischer Baugruppen und Geräte [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] Springer Vieweg, Berlin, 1st edition ISBN 978-3-642-40961-5, 2014; 2nd edition ISBN 978-3-662-68707-9, 2024.
J. Lienig, J. Scheible, Grundlagen des Layoutentwurfs elektronischer Schaltungen [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] Springer Vieweg, Cham, ISBN 978-3-031-15767-7, 2023.
A. Kahng, J. Lienig, I. Markov, J. Hu, VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] [] [Chinese edition cover] [Chinese edition link] Springer, Cham, 1st edition ISBN 978-90-481-9590-9, 2011; 2nd edition ISBN 978-3-030-96414-6, 2022.
J. Lienig, J. Scheible, Fundamentals of Layout Design for Electronic Circuits [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] [] Springer International Publishing, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-39283-3, 2020.
J. Lienig, H. Bruemmer, Fundamentals of Electronic Systems Design [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] [] Springer International Publishing, Cham, ISBN 978-3-319-55839-4, 2017.
J. Lienig, Layoutsynthese elektronischer Schaltungen — Grundlegende Algorithmen für die Entwurfsautomatisierung [Book's webpage] [Springer] [] [] Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1st edition ISBN 978-3-540-29627-0, 2006; 2nd edition ISBN 978-3-662-49814-9, 2016.
J. Lienig, M. Dietrich (Herausgeber) Entwurf integrierter 3D-Systeme der Elektronik [Springer] [] [] Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-30571-9, 2012.
J. Lienig, Anwendung evolutionärer Algorithmen für den rechnergestützten Entwurf des Schaltungslayouts (Translation: Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to VLSI Physical Design.) Fortschrittberichte VDI, Reihe 20, Nummer 228. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-18-322820-3, 1996.
J. Lienig, Ein Verdrahtungssystem für den rechnergestützten Layoutentwurf von Multichipträgern (Translation: Routing Strategies for the Computer-Aided Design of Multi-Chip Modules.) Fortschrittberichte VDI, Reihe 9, Nummer 119. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, ISBN 3-18-141909-5, 1991.
Book Chapters |
M. Thiele, S. Bigalke, J. Lienig "Electromigration Analysis of VLSI Circuits Using the Finite Element Method" [pdf, chapter]. In: VLSI-SoC: Opportunities and Challenges Beyond the Internet of Things [book] M. Maniatakos, et al. (Eds.) Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-15663-3, pp. 133-152, 2017.
T. Bödrich, J. Ziske, M. Stock, J. Lienig "Novel Electrodynamic Feed Units for Small Machine Tools and Automation" [pdf, chapter]. In: Small Machine Tools for Small Workpieces [book] J. P. Wulfsberg, A. Sanders (Eds.) Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49269-8, pp. 145-159, 2017.
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig, C.C.N. Sze "Challenges and Future Directions of 3D Physical Design" [pdf]. In: Physical Design for 3D Integrated Circuits [book , SLUB] A. Todri-Sanial, Ch. S. Tan (eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, ISBN 978-1-498-71036-7, pp. 357-386, 2015.
J. Lienig "Herausforderungen bei der Automatisierung des Layoutentwurfs von 3D-Systemen" [chapter]. In: Entwurf integrierter 3D-Systeme der Elektronik [book, SLUB] J. Lienig, M. Dietrich (Hrsg.) Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 978-3-642-30571-9, pp. 133-144, 2012.
J. Lienig "3D Design" [chapter]. In: Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices [book, SLUB] G. Gerlach, K.-J. Wolter (eds.) Springer Verlag, New York, ISBN 978-3-642-28521-9, pp. 79-96, 2012.
J. Hertwig, H. Neubert, J. Lienig "A Hierarchical Modeling Approach of Thermal Vias Using CNT-Based Composites" [pdf, chapter]. In: Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices [book, SLUB] G. Gerlach, K.-J. Wolter (eds.) Springer Verlag, New York, ISBN 978-3-642-28521-9, pp. 601-620, 2012.
T. Nagel, J. Lienig et al. "Anhang Technisches Zeichnen". In: Grundlagen der Konstruktion [SLUB] W. Krause (Hrsg.) 9. Aufl. München, Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, ISBN 978-3-446-42650-4, pp. 267-315, 2012.
G. Jerke, J. Lienig, J. B. Freuer "Constraint-Driven Design Methodology: A Path to Analog Design Automation" [pdf, more]. In: Analog Layout Synthesis — A Survey of Topological Approaches [SLUB] H. Graeb (ed.) Springer Verlag, New York, ISBN 978-1-4419-6931-6, pp. 271-299, 2011.
T. Meister, J. Lienig, G. Thomke "Universal Methodology to Handle Differential Pairs during Pin Assignment" [more]. In: VLSI-SoC: Design Methodologies for SoC and SiP [SLUB] Ch. Piguet, R. Reis , D. Soudris (eds.) Springer Verlag, Boston, ISBN 978-3-642-12266-8, pp. 22-42, 2010.
J. P. Cohoon, J. Karro, J. Lienig "Evolutionary Algorithms for the Physical Design of VLSI Circuits" [pdf, ps]. In: Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications, [more, SLUB] Ghosh, A., Tsutsui, S. (eds.) Springer Verlag, London, ISBN 978-3-540-43330-9, pp. 683-712, 2003.
J. Lienig "Physical Design of VLSI Circuits and the Application of Genetic Algorithms" [pdf, ps]. In: Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Applications, [more, SLUB] Dasgupta, D., Michalewicz, Z. (eds.) Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-540-62021-1, pp. 277-292, 2001.
W. N. Martin, J. Lienig, J. P. Cohoon "Island (Migration) Models: Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Punctuated Equilibria" [pdf, ps]. In: Handbook of Evolutionary Computation, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, ISBN 978-07-503-0392-7 pp. C6.3:1-C6.3:16, 1997.
Refereed Journal Publications |
L. Oeser, N. Samala, L. Hillemann, J. Müller, C. Jahn-Wolf, J. Lienig "High-concentration Measurements With Optical Aerosol Spectrometers by Signal Fluctuation Analysis," [PDF, DOI] Journal of Aerosol Science, vol. 176, 106312, ISSN 0021-8502, Feb. 2024.
L. Oeser, N. Samala, L. Hillemann, J. Müller, C. Jahn-Wolf, J. Lienig "Artificial Neural Network based Coincidence Correction for Optical Aerosol Spectrometers," [PDF, DOI] Journal of Aerosol Science, vol. 171, 106177, ISSN 0021-8502, June 2023.
R. Lehmkau, D. Mutschall, A. Kaiser, M. Ebermann, N. Neumann, M. Czernohorsky, M. Neuber, K. Hiller, J. Seiler, T.D. Großmann, A. Shaporin, J. Lienig "Design and Characterization of a Pyroelectric Detector Based on 3D Structured HfO2 Thin Films," [PDF, DOI] Optical Engineering, vol. 61, issue 12, 127102, ISSN 0091-3286, Dec. 2022.
S. Pech, R. Richter, J. Lienig "Non-occlusive Pumping Principle for Blood Pump Application," [First Page, PDF, DOI] at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 70, issue 11, pp. 967-975, Online ISSN: 2196-677X, Nov. 2022.
L. Oeser, N. Samalab, L. Hillemann, A. Rudolph, J. Lienig "Minimizing the Coincidence Error in Particle Size Spectrometers With Digital Signal Processing Techniques," [DOI] Journal of Aerosol Science, vol. 165, article 106039, ISSN 0021-8502, Sep. 2022.
S. Bigalke, J. Lienig "Avoidance vs. Repair: New Approaches to Increasing Electromigration Robustness in VLSI Routing," [PDF, DOI] Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 65, ISSN 0167-9260, June 2020.
S. Pech, R. Richter, J. Lienig "Nicht-okklusives Schlauchpumpenprinzip zum Fördern von sensiblen Medien," [PDF], Mechatronik, Ausg. 3-4, 128. Jahrgang, pp. 36-39, ISSN 1867-25907, March 2020.
R. Günther, R. Richter, J. Lienig "Contributions to the Development of an Axisymmetric SAW Motor With a Stator Made from Non-Piezoelectric Material," [PDF, DOI] Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 295, pp. 274-287, ISSN 09244247, Aug. 2019.
A. Hald, H. Marquardt, P. Herzogenrath, J. Scheible, J. Lienig, J. Seelhorst "Full Custom MEMS Design: 2.5D Fabrication-Process Simulation for 3D Field-Solver-Based Circuit Extraction," [PDF, DOI, IEEExplore] IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, pp. 5710-5717, ISSN 1530-437X, July 2019.
T. Heimpold, F. Reifegerste, S. Drechsel, J. Lienig "LED for Hyperspectral Imaging – A New Selection Method," [PDF, DOI] Biomedical Engineering, vol. 63 (5), pp. 529–535, ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, Sep. 2018.
A. Hald, P. Herzogenrath, J. Scheible, J. Lienig, J. Seelhorst, P. Brandl "Full Custom MEMS Design: A New Method for the Analysis of Motion-Dependent Parasitics," [PDF, DOI] Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 63, pp. 362-372, ISSN 0167-9260, Sep. 2018.
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig, I. M. Elfadel "Multi-Objective 3D Floorplanning With Integrated Voltage Assignment," [PDF, DOI] ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 22:1-22:27, ISSN 1084-4309, Nov. 2017.
J. Knechtel, O. Sinanoglu, I. M. Elfadel, J. Lienig, C. C. N. Sze "Large-Scale 3D Chips: Challenges and Solutions for Design Automation, Testing, and Trustworthy Integration," [PDF, DOI] IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology, vol. 10, pp. 45-62, ISSN 1882-6687, Aug. 2017.
T. Heimpold, F. Reifegerste, S. Drechsel, J. Lienig "Spectral Deviation: a New Parameter for Efficient Design of High Quality Tuneable White Lighting," [PDF, DOI] Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting, vol. 41, pp. 40-52, ISSN 2432-3233 (online), 2432-3225 (print), July 2017.
A. Paessler, M. Fielitz, H. Rathmann, K. Andrusch, T. Nagel, J. Lienig "Individual Cooling and Compression System for Accelerated Swelling Reduction on Fractures," [PDF, DOI]. In: EPiC Series in Health Sciences, K. Radermacher, F. R. Y. Baena (Eds). 17th Annual Meeting of the Int. Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, vol 1, pp. 74-81, ISSN 2398-5305, June 2017.
A. Paessler, S. Pech, R. Günther, T. Nagel, H. Zwipp, J. Lienig "Temperature Distribution on Centers of Inflammation at Ankle Fractures," [PDF, Journal] Journal of Surgical Sciences, vol. 4, no. 2, ISSN 2360-3038, pp. 63-68, July 2017.
M. Riemeier, J. Lienig, F. Reifegerste, L. Pfeil, F. Zierke "Two-dimensional Thickness Distribution Measurement Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy," [PDF, DOI] Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, vol. 24, issue 5, pp. 467-473, ISSN 09670335, Oct. 2016.
M. Windisch, K.-J. Eichhorn, J. Lienig, G. Gerlach, L. Schulze "Paradigm Change in Hydrogel Sensor Manufacturing: From Recipe-Driven to Specification-Driven Process Optimization," [pdf, DOI] Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, no. 5, pp. 39-53, ISSN 21948771, Feb. 2016.
J. Knechtel, E. F. Y. Young, J. Lienig "Planning Massive Interconnects in 3D Chips," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1808-1821, ISSN 02780070, Nov. 2015.
K. Zornkau, R. Goldberg, H.-P. Friedrich, J. Lienig "Faser statt Film," [titlepage, more] Kunststoffe, 3(2015), pp. 97-99, Hanser Verlag, ISSN 00235563, 2015.
J. Ziske, F. Ehle, H. Neubert, A. Price, J. Lienig "A Simple Phenomenological Model for Magnetic Shape Memory Actuators," [pdf, IEEExplore] [Erratum, IEEExplore] IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, 99 (2015), ISSN 00189464, Jan. 2015.
J. Schirmer, T. Nagel, J. Vollbarth, J. Lienig, W. Krause "Vorhersage des Kantenverschleißes für Zahnriemen," [pdf] ant Journal Antriebstechnik, 52(2013), No. 2, pp. 3-9, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz, 2013.
T. Bödrich, F. Ehle, M. Süßenbecker, J. Lienig "Kompakte einphasige Lineardirektantriebsmodule für kleine Verfahrwege," ant Journal Antriebstechnik, 52(2013), No. 1, pp. 16-21, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz, 2013.
T. Bödrich, F. Ehle, M. Süßenbecker, J. Lienig "Novel Moving-Magnet Electrodynamic Feed Units for Small Machine Tools," [pdf, Springer, DOI] Production Engineering, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 497-501, ISSN 0944-6524 (print), ISSN 1863-7353 (electronic), Springer-Verlag, Sept. 2013.
T. Bödrich, M. Süßenbecker, J. Lienig "Neuartige Vorschubantriebe für kleine Werkzeugmaschinen," [Titelseiten, more] wt Werkstattstechnik online, vol. 102, no. 7/8, pp. 441-446, Springer-VDI-Verlag, 2012.
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig "Assembling 2-D Blocks into 3-D Chips," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 228-241, Feb. 2012.
M. Thiele, J. Lienig "Der Feind auf dem Chip — Elektromigration in digitalen Schaltungen," [pdf,] Elektronik, Heft 2, pp. 32-36, Feb. 2012.
F. Reifegerste, J. Lienig "Modelling of the Temperature and Current Dependence of LED Spectra," [pdf, DOI] Journal of Light & Visual Environment, vol. 32, no. 3 pp. 288-294, Aug. 2008.
A. Richter, G. Paschew, S. Klatt, J. Lienig, K.-F. Arndt, H.-J. P. Adler "Review on Hydrogel-based pH Sensors and Microsensors," [pdf, DOI] Sensors, vol. 8, pp. 561-581, Jan. 2008.
A. Richter, W. Krause, J. Lienig, K.-F. Arndt "Polymernetzwerke als Aktor-Sensor-Systeme für die Automatisierung biomedizinischer Geräte (Translation: Polymer Networks as Actor and Sensor Systems to be Used for Automation of Biomedical Devices)," [pdf] Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 66-68, March 2005.
G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Hierarchical Current Density Verification in Arbitrarily Shaped Metallization Patterns of Analog Circuits," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 80-90, Jan. 2004.
J. Lienig, G. Jerke "Elektromigration — eine neue Herausforderung beim Entwurf elektronischer Baugruppen (Translation: Electromigration — A New Challenge in Electronic Design)," F&M Feinwerktechnik, Mikrotechnik, Mikroelektronik, Part I/Teil I: Ursachen und Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten [pdf]: pp. 36-39, Oct. 2002, Part II/Teil II: Stromabhängige Verdrahtung von Leiterbahnen [pdf]: pp. 26-28, Jan./Feb. 2003, Part III/Teil III: Berechnung von Stromdichten [pdf]: pp. 12-15, March 2003.
J. Lienig "IC-Layoutentwurf vor neuen Herausforderungen" (Translation: IC-Placement and Routing Face New Challenges) [pdf] F&M Feinwerktechnik, Mikrotechnik, Mikroelektronik, pp. 76-78, Dec. 1999.
J. Lienig "A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Performance-Driven VLSI Routing," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29-39, 1997.
J. Lienig "Evolutionäre Algorithmen für den Layoutentwurf" (Translation: Evolutionary Algorithms for Physical Design Automation), F&M Feinwerktechnik, Mikrotechnik, Mikroelektronik, pp. 406-410, June 1997.
J. Lienig "Anwendung evolutionärer Algorithmen für den rechnergestützten Entwurf des Schaltungslayouts" (Translation: Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to Circuit Design), Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik und Feinwerktechnik, Heft 2 (1997), pp. 96-97, April 1997.
J. Lienig, K. Thulasiraman "GASBOR: A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Solving the Switchbox Routing Problem," [pdf, DOI] Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific Publishing Co., Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 359-373, 1996.
J. Lienig, K. Thulasiraman "A Genetic Algorithm for Channel Routing in VLSI Circuits," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] ] Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 293-311, 1994.
H. Brandt, J. Lienig, G. Röhrs "Ein genetischer Algorithmus zur Optimierung von Verdrahtungsstrukturen" (Translation: A Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Routing Structures), Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, Heft 2, pp. 93-97, 1992.
J. Lienig "Ein Verdrahtungssystem zum rechnergestützten Layoutentwurf von Multichipträgern" (Translation: A Routing System for the Computer-Aided Design of Special Multi-Chip Modules), Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, Heft 5/6, pp. 157-161, 1991.
J. Lienig, D. A. Mlynski "Mehrlagenkanalverdrahtung unter Einbeziehung technologischer Randbedingungen" (Translation: Technology-Oriented Multilayer Channel Routing), Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, Heft 5/6, pp. 163-167, 1991.
Refereed International Conference Publications |
N. Arnold, A. Krinke, M. Dietrich, J. Lienig "Please, Fold the Line: Designing Flexible Electronics Using Open-Source Software," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Flexible Electronics Technology Conf. (IFETC'24), Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2024.
S. Rothe, J. Lienig, Sachin S. Sapatnekar "Stress-based Electromigration Modeling in IC Design: Moving from Theory to Practice," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2024), Volos, Greece, July 2024.
A. Krinke, R. Fischbach, J. Lienig "Layout Verification Using Open-Source Software," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2024 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'24), pp. 137-142, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2024.
S. Rothe, J. Lienig "Combined Modeling of Electromigration, Thermal and Stress Migration in AC Interconnect Lines," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2023 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'23), Virtual Event, March 2023.
S. Rothe, J. Lienig "Reliability by Design: Avoiding Migration-Induced Failure in IC Interconnects," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. Symp. on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), Porto Alegre, Brazil, Aug. 2022.
B. Prautsch, Th. Markwirth, F. Schenkel, R. Wittmann, U. Eichler, J. Lienig "A Multi-level Analog IC Design Flow for Fast Performance Estimation Using Template-based Layout Generators and Structural Models," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2022), Villasimius, Italy, June 2022.
J. Lienig, S. Rothe, M. Thiele, N. Rangarajan, M. Nabeel, H. Amrouch, O. Sinanoglu, J. Knechtel "Toward Security Closure in the Face of Reliability Effects," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Des. (ICCAD'21), Special Session, Munich, Nov. 2021.
A. Krinke, S. Rai, A. Kumar, J. Lienig "Exploring Physical Synthesis for Circuits Based on Emerging Reconfigurable Nanotechnologies," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Des. (ICCAD'21), Munich, Nov. 2021.
R. Günther, R. Richter, J. Lienig "Design of Surface Acoustic Wave Motors With Non-piezoelectric Stator Material," [pdf, ThinkMind] Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing, pp. 45-50, Nice, France, July 2021.
B. Prautsch, R. Wittmann, U. Eichler, U. Hatnik, J. Lienig "Generators, Templates, and Code Generation for Flexible Automation of Array-Style Layouts," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2021), Erfurt, Germany, July 2021.
J. Koh, S. S. Venkatesha, S. S. Rao, M. Jotschke, J. Lienig, T. Reich "An 8 bit to 12 bit Resolution Programmable 5 MSample/s Current Steering Digital-to-Analog Converter in a 22 nm FD-SOI CMOS Technology," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Circuits, Systems and Simulation (ICCSS 2021), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2021.
R. Lehmkau, J. Lienig "A Novel Approach to Model the Thermal-electrical Behavior of Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors," [pdf, DOI, AMA] Proc. Sensor and Measurement Science Int. Conf. (SMSI 2021), pp. 177-178, May 2021.
S. Pech, R. Richter, J. Lienig "Peristaltic Pump With Continuous Flow and Programmable Flow Pulsation," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 8th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conf. (ESTC), Vestfold, Norway, Sept. 2020.
T. Horst, R. Fischbach, J. Lienig "A Globally-optimized Co-design Approach for Heterogeneous Systems Using Convex Optimization," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 2020 European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Sofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 2020.
R. Lehmkau, M. Ebemann, D. Mutschall, N. Neuman, J. Lienig "Thermal-electrical Design Improvements of a New CMOS Compatible Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Based on HfO," [pdf, DOI, AMA] Proc. Sensor and Measurement Science Int. Conf. (SMSI 2021), pp. 143-144, Nürnberg, June 2020.
R. Fischbach, T. Horst, J. Lienig "A Graph-Based Model of Micro-Transfer Printing for Cost-Optimized Heterogeneous 2.5D Systems," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of 3DIC 2019, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 2019.
A. Hald, R. Wolf, J. Seelhorst, J. Scheible, J. Lienig, S. Tibus, M. Schwarz "Parasitic Extraction Methodology for MEMS Sensors With Active Devices," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2019.
A. Krinke, T. Horst, G. Glaeser, M. Grabmann, T. Markus, B. Prautsch, U. Hatnik, J. Lienig "From Constraints to Tape-Out: Towards a Continuous AMS Design Flow," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 22nd Int. Symp. on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2019), Cluj-Napoca, pp. 1-10, April 2019.
R. Fischbach, T. Horst, J. Lienig "Assembly-Related Chip/Package Co-Design of Heterogeneous Systems Manufactured by Micro-Transfer Printing," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of DATE 2019, Florence, Italy, pp. 950-953, March 2019.
S. Bigalke, J. Lienig, G. Jerke, J. Scheible, R. Jancke "The Need and Opportunities of Electromigration-Aware Integrated Circuit Design," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Diego, CA, Nov. 2018.
S. Bigalke, J. Lienig "FLUTE-EM: Electromigration-Optimized Net Topology Considering Currents and Mechanical Stress," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of 26th IFIP/IEEE Int. Conf. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), Verona, Italy, Oct. 2018.
T. Horst, R. Fischbach, J. Lienig "Design Methodologies and Co-Design Options for Novel 3D Technologies," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of ANALOG 2018, Munich, pp. 181-186, Sept. 2018.
B. Prautsch, U. Hatnik, U. Eichler, J. Lienig "Template-Driven Analog Layout Generators for Improved Technology Independence," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of ANALOG 2018, Munich, pp. 156-161, Sept. 2018.
S. Pech, H. Rathmann, R. Richter, J. Lienig "Multibody Simulation of an Electromagnetic Actuator for a Gentle Blood Pump Mechanism," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the 4th World Congress on Electrical Eng. and Computer Systems and Science (EECSS'18), Madrid, Aug. 2018.
S. Bigalke, T. Casper, S. Schoeps, J. Lienig "Increasing EM Robustness of Placement and Routing Solutions based on Layout-Driven Discretization," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of 2018 14th Conf. on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Prague, pp. 89-92, July 2018.
J. Lienig, M. Thiele "The Pressing Need for Electromigration-Aware Integrated Circuit Design," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2018 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'18), Monterey, CA, pp. 144-151, March 2018.
S. Osmolovskyi, J. Knechtel, I.L. Markov, J. Lienig "Optimal Die Placement for Interposer-Based 3D ICs," [pdf, slides, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Autom. Conf. (ASP-DAC 2018), pp. 513-520, Jeju Island , S. Korea, Jan. 2018.
M. Thiele, S. Bigalke, J. Lienig "Exploring the Use of the Finite Element Method for Electromigration Analysis in Future Physical Design," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 25th IFIP/IEEE Int. Conf. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2017), pp. 1-6, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct. 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-2879-9.
A. Krinke, L. Lei, J. Lienig "Predictive System-Level Constraint Verification and Optimization," [pdf, IEEExplore] GMM-Fachbericht 274, Reliability by Design Proc. (ZuE 2017), VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-4444-2, pp. 40-45, Sept. 2017.
R. Fischbach, A. Heinig, J. Lienig "Simulation-Based Design Methodology for Heterogeneous Systems at Package-Level Utilizing XML and XSLT," [pdf, IEEExplore] GMM-Fachbericht 274, Reliability by Design Proc. (ZuE 2017), VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-4444-2, pp. 66-73, Sept. 2017.
S. Osmolovskyi, J. Lienig "Physical Design Challenges and Solutions for Interposer-Based 3D Systems," [pdf, IEEExplore] GMM-Fachbericht 274, Reliability by Design Proc. (ZuE 2017), VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-4444-2, pp. 97-104, Sept. 2017.
B. Prautsch, U. Eichler, T. Reich, J. Lienig "MESH: Explicit and Flexible Generation of Analog Arrays," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2017), Giardini Naxos - Taormina, Italy, June 2017.
A. Hald, J. Seelhorst, P. Herzogenrath, J. Scheible, J. Lienig "A New Method for the Analysis of Movement Dependent Parasitics in Full Custom Designed MEMS Sensors," [pdf, DOI, EDA Competition Award, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2017), Giardini Naxos - Taormina, Italy, June 2017.
B. Prautsch, U. Eichler, T. Reich, J. Lienig "Explicit Feature and Edge Insertion for Improved Analog Layout Generators in Advanced Semiconductor Technologies," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of ANALOG 2016, Bremen, pp. 22-27, Sept. 2016.
B. Prautsch, U. Eichler, S. Rao, B. Zeugmann, A. Puppala, T. Reich, J. Lienig "IIP Framework: A Tool for Reuse-Centric Analog Circuit Design," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore]] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, June 2016.
A. Hald, J. Seelhorst, M. Reimann, J. Scheible, J. Lienig "A Novel Polygon-Based Circuit Extraction Algorithm for Full Custom Designed MEMS Sensors," [pdf, DOI, EDA Competition Award, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, June 2016.
M. Stock, T. Bödrich, J. Lienig "Control of a Compact Electrodynamic Planar Actuator," [pdf] Proc. of the Int. Conf. and Exhibition on New Actuators and Drive Systems (ACTUATOR 2016), Bremen, pp. 371-374, June 2016.
T. Bödrich, B. Rosul, J. Ziske, J. Lienig "Compact Electrodynamic Planar Actuator for Automation," Proc. of the Int. Conf. and Exhibition on New Actuators and Drive Systems (ACTUATOR 2016), Bremen, pp. 495-498, June 2016.
J. Ziske, T. Bödrich, H. Basler, Q. Sun, J. Lienig "Highly Integrated Linear Direct Drive for Short Strokes," Proc. of the Int. Conf. and Exhibition on New Actuators and Drive Systems (ACTUATOR 2016), Bremen, pp. 499-502, June 2016.
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig "Physical Design Automation for 3D Chip Stacks – Challenges and Solutions," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2016 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'16), Santa Rosa, CA, pp. 3-10, April 2016.
S. Bigalke, J. Lienig "Load-Aware Redundant Via Insertion for Electromigration Avoidance," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2016 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'16), Santa Rosa, CA, pp. 99-106, April 2016.
A. Krinke, G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Constraint Propagation Methods for Robust IC Design," [pdf, IEEExplore, Best Paper Award] GMM-Fachbericht 83, Reliability by Design (ZuE 2015), VDE Verlag, pp. 7-14, Sept. 2015.
B. Prautsch, U. Eichler, T. Reich, A. Puppala, J. Lienig "Abstract Technology Handling for Generator-Based Analog Circuit Design," [pdf, IEEExlore] GMM-Fachbericht 83, Reliability by Design (ZuE 2015), VDE Verlag, pp. 56-61, Sept. 2015.
M. Windisch, K.-J. Eichhorn, J. Lienig, R. Schulze "Optimized Manufacturing of Industrial Hydrogel Sensors," [pdf, DOI] Proc. Sensor 2015, Nuremberg, pp. 590-595, May 2015.
J. Scheible, J. Lienig "Automation of Analog IC Layout – Challenges and Solutions," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2015 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'15), Monterey, CA, pp. 33-40, March 2015.
D. Schlabe, J. Lienig "Model-Based Thermal Management Functions for Aircraft Systems," [pdf, DOI] Proc. SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conf. (ASTC), SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2203, Cincinnati, OH, Sept. 2014.
J. Stapel, T. Heimpold, F. Reifegerste, S. Drechsel, J. Lienig "Welches Licht darf es sein?" [pdf] Proc. Licht 2014, Den Haag, Holland, Sept. 2014.
E. Bindl, H. Neubert, J. Lienig, A. Krätzschmar, S. Beyer "Magnetic Switch Mechanism for Circuit Breakers," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Electrical Contacts (ICEC 2014), Dresden, pp. P12.9, June 2014.
E. Bindl, H. Neubert, J. Lienig, A. Krätzschmar, S. Beyer "Fast Magnetic Switch Mechanism for Fully Electrically Controlled Circuit Breakers," 14th Int. Conf. on New Actuators (ACTUATOR 2014), Bremen, pp. 525-529, June 2014.
T. Bödrich, F. Ehle, O. Rivera, J. Lienig "Compact Moving-Magnet Actuator for Automation and its Control," 14th Int. Conf. on New Actuators (ACTUATOR 2014), Bremen, pp. 193-196, June 2014.
J. Knechtel, E. F. Y. Young, J. Lienig "Structural Planning of 3D-IC Interconnects by Block Alignment," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2014), Singapore, pp. 53-60, Jan. 2014.
A. Krinke, G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Adaptive Data Model for Efficient Constraint Handling in AMS IC Design," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 20th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2013), ISBN 978-1-4799-2451-6, Abu Dhabi, VAE, pp. 285-288, Dec. 2013.
F. Ehle, T. Boedrich, O. R. Rivera Rodriguez, J. Lienig "Moving-Magnet Actuator With Flexure Guide for Precise Positioning," [IEEExplore] 9th GMM/ETG Symposium Innovative Small Drives and Micro-Motor Systems, Nuremberg, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2013.
A. Krinke, M. Mittag, G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Extended Constraint Management for Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 21th European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2013), ISBN 978-3-00-043430-3, Dresden, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2013.
T. Bödrich, F. Ehle, J. Lienig "Compact Translatory Actuator With Moving Magnets and Flexure Guide for Versatile Applications," Tagungsband 13th euspen Int. Conf., Berlin, pp. 310-313, May 2013.
F. Krämer, S. Wiese, S. Rzepka, J. Lienig "Investigation of the Failure Mode Formation in BGA Components Subjected to JEDEC Drop Test," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE, Wroclaw, pp. 1-7, April 2013.
J. Lienig "Electromigration and Its Impact on Physical Design in Future Technologies," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2013 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'13), Stateline, Nevada, pp. 33-40, March 2013.
R. Fischbach, J. Knechtel, J. Lienig "Utilizing 2D and 3D Rectilinear Blocks for Efficient IP Reuse and Floorplanning of 3D-Integrated Systems," [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the ACM 2013 Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'13), Stateline, Nevada, pp. 11-16, March 2013.
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig, M. Thiele "Multiobjective Optimization of Deadspace, a Critical Resource for 3D-IC Integration," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, pp. 705-712, Nov. 2012.
D. Schlabe, J. Lienig "Energy Management of Aircraft Electrical Systems - State of the Art and Further Directions," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion (ESARS), Bologna, Italy, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2012.
M. Süßenbecker, T. Bödrich, J. Lienig "Test and Comparison of Different State Space Controllers for a Small Electrodynamic Feed Unit," The 13th Mechatronics Forum Int. Conf., Linz, Austria, pp. 163-170, Sept. 2012.
T. Bödrich, M. Süßenbecker, J. Lienig "Compact Electrodynamic Feed Modules for Small Machine Tools and Automation," Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on New Actuators ACTUATOR 2012, Bremen, pp. 643-646, June 2012.
T. Bödrich, M. Süßenbecker, J. Lienig "Electrodynamic Feed Units for Small Machine Tools," Tagungsband 12th euspen Int. Conf., Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 519-522, June 2012.
A. Krinke, J. Lienig "An Ontology for Constraints in Custom IC Design," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 20th European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2011), Linköping, Sweden, pp. 343-345, Aug. 2011.
T. Meister, J. Lienig, G. Thomke "Interface Optimization for Improved Routability in Chip-Package-Board Co-Design," [pdf, IEEExplore] Proc. of 13th ACM/IEEE Int. Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP 2011), San Diego, CA, pp. 1-8, June 2011.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, J. Knechtel "Investigating Modern Layout Representations for Improved 3D Design Automation," [pdf] Proc. of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI 2011), Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 337-342, May 2011.
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig "Assembling 2D Blocks into 3D Chips," [pdf] Proc. of the 2011 ACM/SIGDA Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'11), Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 81-88, March 2011.
H. Neubert, A. Kamusella, J. Lienig "Optimization of an Electromagnetic Linear Actuator Using a Network and a Finite Element Model," [link, DOI] Proc. of SPIE, Vol 7977, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2011, San Diego, CA, pp. 7977 21, March 2011.
F. Krämer, S. Rzepka, S. Wiese, J. Lienig "Realistic Stress Representation in 2nd Level Interconnections of Productive BGA Components During Drop Test Simulations," [DOI, IEEExplore, pdf] Proc. 12th Electronics Packaging Technology Conf., EPTC, Singapore, pp. 750-756, Dec. 2010.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, M. Thiele "Solution Space Investigation and Comparison of Modern Data Structures for Heterogeneous 3D Designs," [DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of 2nd IEEE Int. 3D System Integration Conf., 3DIC, Munich, pp. 1-8, Nov. 16-18, 2010.
P. Schneider, A. Heinig, R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, S. Reitz, J. Stolle, A. Wilde "Integration of Multi Physics Modeling of 3D Stacks into Modern 3D Data Structures," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of 2nd IEEE Int. 3D System Integration Conf., 3DIC, Munich, pp. 1-6, Nov. 16-18, 2010.
F. Krämer, S. Wiese, S. Rzepka, W. Faust, J. Lienig "A Detailed Investigation of the Failure Formation of Copper Trace Cracks During Drop Tests," [DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 3rd Electronics System Integration Technology Conf., ESTC, Berlin, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2010.
F. Krämer, S. Rzepka, S. Wiese, J. Lienig "The Effect of Copper Trace Routing on the Drop Test Reliability of BGA Modules," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 60th Electronic Components and Technology Conf., ECTC, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1217-1225, June 2010.
F. Krämer, S. Wiese, S. Rzepka, J. Lienig "BGA Lifetime Prediction in JEDEC Drop Tests Accounting for Copper Trace Routing Effects," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, EuroSimE, ISBN 978-1-4244-7025-9, Bordeaux, pp. 1-8, April 2010.
G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Early-Stage Determination of Current-Density Criticality in Interconnects," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int. International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2010), San Jose, CA, pp. 667-774, March 2010.
A. Nassaj, J. Lienig, G. Jerke "A New Methodology for Constraint-Driven Layout Design of Analog Circuits," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 16th IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2009), Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 996-999, Dec. 2009.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, T. Meister "From 3D Circuit Technologies and Data Structures to Interconnect Prediction," Invited Talk, [pdf, DOI]] Proc. of 2009 Int. Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP), San Francisco, CA, pp. 77-84, July 2009.
F. Krämer, S. Rzepka, J. Lienig "Lifetime Modeling for JEDEC Drop Tests," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, EuroSimE, ISBN 978-1-4244-4159-4, Delft, pp. 309-317, April 2009.
G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Constraint-driven Design — The Next Step Towards Analog Design Automation," Invited Talk, [pdf, slides, DOI] Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'09), San Diego, CA, pp. 75-82, March 2009.
T. Meister, J. Lienig, G. Thomke "Universal Methodology to Handle Differential Pairs During Pin Assignment," [pdf] Proc. of the 16th IFIP/IEEE Int. Conf. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2008), Rhodes Island, Greece, pp. 347-352, Oct. 2008.
A. Nassaj, J. Lienig, G. Jerke "A Constraint-driven Methodology for Placement of Analog and Mixed-signal Integrated Circuits," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 14th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Malta, pp. 770-773, Aug. 2008.
S. Rzepka, F. Krämer, O. Grassmé, J. Lienig "A Multilayer PCB Material Modeling Approach Based on Laminate Theory," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, EuroSimE, ISBN 978-1-4244-2127-5, Freiburg, pp. 234-243, April 2008.
T. Meister, J. Lienig, G. Thomke "Novel Pin Assignment Algorithms for Components With Very High Pin Counts," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Munich, pp. 837-842, March 2008.
J. Lienig, "Introduction to Electromigration-Aware Physical Design," Invited Talk, [pdf, DOI] Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD'06), San Jose, CA, pp. 39-46, April 2006.
J. Lienig "Interconnect and Current Density Stress — An Introduction to Electromigration-Aware Design," Invited Talk, [pdf, DOI] Proc. of 2005 Int. Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP), San Francisco, CA, pp. 81-88, April 2005.
J. Lienig, G. Jerke "Electromigration-Aware Physical Design of Integrated Circuits," Invited Tutorial, [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 18th Int. Conference on VLSI Design, Kolkata, India, pp. 77-82, January 2005.
G. Jerke, J. Lienig, J. Scheible "Reliability-Driven Layout Decompaction for Electromigration Failure Avoidance in Complex Mixed-Signal IC Designs," [pdf, slides, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Design Automation Conference (DAC'04), San Diego, CA, pp. 181-184, June 2004.
J. Lienig, G. Jerke "Current-Driven Wire Planning for Electromigration Avoidance in Analog Circuits," [pdf, slides, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 8th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Kitakyusyu, Japan, pp. 783-788, 2003.
G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Hierarchical Current Density Verification for Electromigration Analysis in Arbitrarily Shaped Metallization Patterns of Analog Circuits," [pdf, slides, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Paris, pp. 464-469, 2002.
J. Lienig, G. Jerke, T. Adler "Electromigration Avoidance in Analog Circuits: Two Methodologies for Current Driven Routing," [pdf, slides, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 7th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) and 15th Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, Bangalore, India, pp. 372-378, 2002.
J. Lienig, G. Jerke, T. Adler "AnalogRouter: A New Approach of Current-Driven Routing for Analog Circuits," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Munich, p. 819, 2001.
J. Lienig "Channel and Switchbox Routing With Minimized Crosstalk — A Parallel Genetic Algorithm Approach," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, Hyderabad, India, pp. 27-31, 1997.
J. Lienig, J. P. Cohoon, "Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Physical Design of VLSI Circuits: A Survey," Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Voigt, H.-M, Ebeling, W., Rechenberg, I., Schwefel, H.-P., eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1141, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 839-848, 1996.
J. Lienig "A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Two Detailed Routing Problems," [DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS-96, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 508-511, 1996.
J. Lienig, K. Thulasiraman "GASBOR: A Genetic Algorithm for Switchbox Routing in Integrated Circuits," Proc. of the AI'94 Workshop on Evolutionary Computation, Armidale, pp. 199-212, 1994. Also in: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 956, pp. 187-200, 1995.
J. Lienig, H. Brandt "An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Routing of Multi-Chip Modules," Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Davidor, Y., Schwefel, H.-P., Männer, R., eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 866, pp. 588-597, 1994.
J. Lienig, K. Thulasiraman "A New Genetic Algorithm for the Channel Routing Problem," [DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference on VLSI Design, Calcutta, India, pp. 133-136, 1994.
J. Lienig, K. Thulasiraman, M. N. S. Swamy "Routing Algorithms for Multi-Chip Modules," [pdf, DOI, IEEExplore] Proc. of the IEEE European Design Automation Conference (EDAC) , Hamburg, pp. 286-291, 1992.
Refereed National Conference Publications (since 2008) |
M. Wetterer, M. Ebermann, J. Lienig "Kalibrierung und Justage von durchstimmbaren IR-Detektoren mit Hilfe von Festkörperetalons," [pdf, DOI] 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, pp. 184-191, June 2024.
S. Pech, H. Rathmann, R. Richter, T. Nagel, J. Lienig "Electromagnetic Actuator of a Gentle Pump Mechanism for Blood Transport," [pdf, link] Proc. of the 59th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (59th IWK), Also in: Engineering for a Changing World, vol. 59, 2017, 3.1.04, Sep. 2017.
M. Thiele, J. Lienig "Effektive Finite-Elemente-Methode zur Elektromigrationsanalyse im Entwurf komplexer Schaltkreise," Proc. edaWorkshop15, Pro BUSINESS, ISBN 978-3-86386-914-4, pp. 33-38, May 2015.
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig, S. Osmolovskyi "3D-Floorplanning für hochparallele Verbindungsstrukturen," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2014), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0738-1, pp. 16-20, April 2014.
J. Lienig "Berücksichtigung der Elektromigration im Layoutentwurf in zukünftigen Technologien," [pdf] ITG-Fachbericht Zuverlässigkeit und Entwurf (ZuE 2013), VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3539-6, p. 12, Sept. 2013.
A. Krinke, M. Mittag, G. Jerke, J. Lienig "Propagierung und Transformation von Randbedingungen für den AMS-IC-Entwurf," Proc. edaWorkshop13, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3499-3, pp. 39-44, May 2013.
M. Thiele, J. Lienig "Einfluss der Elektromigration auf den Layoutentwurf in zukünftigen Technologien," Proc. edaWorkshop13, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3499-3, pp. 45-51, May 2013.
J. Knechtel, M. Thiele, J. Lienig "Multikriterielle Layoutoptimierung durch TSV- und Deadspace-Planung für den 3D-IC-Entwurf," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2013), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0545-5, pp. 50-565, April 2013.
M. Thiele, J. Lienig "Vermeidung von Elektromigration durch kurze Segmentlängen im Layout digitaler Schaltungen," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2012), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0404-5, pp. 52-56, May 2012.
T. Meister, J. Lienig "Bewertung der Genauigkeit von Verdrahtungsdichtevorhersagen des Layoutentwurfs," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2012), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0404-5, pp. 92-97, May 2012.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, T. Meister "3D Physical Design: Challenges and Solutions," Tagungsband edaWorkshop 11, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3353-8, pp. 39-44, May 2011.
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig "Eine Methodik zur Nutzung von klassischen IP-Blöcken in 3D-Schaltkreisen," Tagungsband edaWorkshop 11, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3353-8, pp. 45-50, May 2011.
A. Krinke, J. Lienig "Neuartige Entwurfsmethodik zur Berücksichtigung des IR-Drop bei der Power-Verdrahtung analoger Schaltungen," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2011), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0259-1, pp. 42-47, May 2011.
M. Thiele, J. Lienig "Elektromigrationserscheinungen in zukünftigen digitalen Schaltungen," Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2011), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0259-1, pp. 30-35, May 2011.
J. Hertwig, M. Thiele, H. Neubert, J. Lienig "Modellierung CNT-basierter thermischer Vias für den effektiven Wärmetransport," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2011), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0259-1, pp. 24-29, May 2011.
J. Hertwig, H. Neubert, J. Lienig "Ein Ansatz zur Modellierung CNT-basierter thermischer Vias für den effektiven Wärmetransport in elektronischen Schaltkreisen," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2010), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0126-6, pp. 43-48, May 2010.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, T. Meister "Herausforderungen bei der Automatisierung des Layoutentwurfs bei dreidimensionalen heterogenen Systemen," Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2010), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0126-6, pp. 37-42, May 2010.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, J. Hertwig "Modern 3D Data Structures: Classification, Comparison and Solution Space Investigation," Tagungsband edaWorkshop 10, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3252-4, pp. 41-46, May 2010.
T. Meister, J. Lienig "Routability Prediction for Three-Dimensional Circuits," Tagungsband edaWorkshop 10, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3252-4, pp. 29-34, May 2010.
T. Meister, J. Lienig "Neue Herausforderungen an die Verdrahtungsvorhersage beim 3D-Layoutentwurf," [pdf] GMM-Fachbericht 61, Zuverlässigkeit und Entwurf, VDE Verlag, pp. 99-106, Sept. 2009.
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig "3D-Integration und 3D-Datenstrukturen — Eine Übersicht," [pdf] Tagungsband edaWorkshop 09, VDE Verlag, pp. 7-12, May 2009.
J. Lienig "Elektromigration und deren Berücksichtigung beim Layoutentwurf," [pdf] Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2008), ISBN 3-9810287-2-4, pp. 13-14, May 2008.
A. Nassaj, J. Lienig, G. Jerke, J. Freuer "Constraint-geführte Floorplan-Generierung von integrierten Analog- und Mixed-Signal-Schaltungen," [pdf] GMM-Fachbericht ANALOG '08, Siegen, pp. 159-164, April 2008.
T. Meister, J. Lienig, G. Thomke "Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen für hochkomplexe Area-Array-Komponenten," [pdf] GMM-Fachbericht ANALOG '08, Siegen, pp. 177-182, April 2008.