To the homepage of the institute

Dresden University of Technology
Institute of Electromechanical
and Electronic Design



Electromechanical Design

Electronic Design

Contract Services



Faculty and Staff



Link to the personal homepage

 Director of the Institute:
 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
 Jens Lienig

 Ph.: +49 351 463 34742
 Office: BAR II/20D

schneider  Prof. Dr.-Ing.
 Peter Schneider

 Ph.: +49 351 45691 101
 Office: BAR II/21






 Nicole Tannenbaum
 Ph.: +49 351 463 34742
office: BAR II/20D

Link to the personal homepage

 Prof. em.
 Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c.
 Werner Krause

*19.04.1937  †03.09.2023

 Obituary (German)







Link to the personal homepage

 Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Iris Bönisch
 Ph.: +49 351 463 34820
 Office: BAR II/20B

 Dipl.-Ing. Christoph

 Ph.: +49 351 463 32169
 Office: BAR II/34





 Dr.-Ing. Andreas Krinke

 Ph.: + 49 351 463 34705
Office: BAR II/27

Link to the personal homepage

 Dr.-Ing. Jens Schirmer
 Ph.: +49 351 463 33976
 Office: BAR II/19





Link to the personal homepage

 Dr.-Ing. Frank Reifegerste
 Ph.: +49 351 463 36296
 Office: BAR II/32







Project Engineers






 Dipl.-Ing. Nico Arnold
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35417
 Office: BAR II/30


 Dipl.-Ing. Ronja Maria Bittner
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35417
Office: BAR II/30

Link to the personal homepage  Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bödrich
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35250
 Office: BAR II/33

 Dr.-Ing. Manfred Dietrich
 Ph.: +49 351 463 37523
Office: BAR II/30


 Dr.-Ing. Robert Fischbach
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35208
 Office: BAR II/27

 Dr.-Ing. Richard Günther
 Ph.: +49 351 463 36329
 Office: BAR II/35
 Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Herold
 Ph.: +49 351 463 34436
Office: BAR II/34
Link to the personal homepage  M.Sc. Philipp Näke
 Public PGP-Key
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35293
Office: BAR II/28 
Link to the personal homepage  Dr.-Ing. René Richter
 Ph.: +49 351 463 36329
Office: BAR II/35 

 Dipl.-Ing. Ben Rosul
 Ph.: +49 351 463 32078
 Office: BAR II/20f 

Link to the personal homepage  Dipl.-Ing. Franziska Stein
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35293
Office: BAR II/28
 Dr.-Ing. Matthias Thiele
 Ph.: +49 351 463 36263
Office: BAR II/32
Link to the personal homepage  Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Vollhardt
 Tel.: +49 351 463 43253
Raum: BAR II/34
Link to the personal homepage  Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Ziske
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35250
Office: BAR II/33
Ph.D. Students / Stipendiaries / contractors






 Dipl.-Ing. Susann Rothe
 Ph.: +49 351 463 35417
 Office: BAR II/30

Link to the personal homepage  Dr.-Ing. Alfred Kamusella
 Ph.: +49 351 463 32695
 Home Office:
 +49 35053 32769
 Office: BAR II/20i
Resigned recently





 Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Pech
 Dr.-Ing. Annekathrin Päßler





 M. Sc. Tilman Horst

 Dipl.-Verw.(FH) Ariane Franze





Link to the personal homepage

 PD Dr.-Ing. Thomas Nagel
 *28.03.1960  †21.06.20

 Obituary (German)

Link to the personal homepage


 Prof. em.
 Dr.-Ing. Günter Röhrs

 *06.05.1932  †01.03.2020

 Obituary (German)






Last Update: Jul 10, 2023