Dresden University of Technology Institute of Electromechanical and Electronic Design
Electromechanical Design
Electronic Design
Contract Services
Faculty and Staff
Director of the Institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jens Lienig jens.lienig tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 34742 Office: BAR II/20D
Secretary: Nicole Tannenbaum contactifte.de Ph.: +49 351 463 34742 office: BAR II/20D
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Werner Krause
*19.04.1937 †03.09.2023
Obituary (German)
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Iris Bönisch iris.boenischtu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 34820 Office: BAR II/20B
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph
Steinmann christoph.steinmann tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 32169 Office: BAR II/34
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Krinke
andreas.krinke tu-dresden.de Ph.: + 49 351 463 34705 Office: BAR II/27
Dr.-Ing. Jens Schirmer jens.schirmer tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 33976 Office: BAR II/19
Dr.-Ing. Frank Reifegerste frank.reifegerste tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 36296 Office: BAR II/32
Project Engineers
Dipl.-Ing. Nico Arnold nico.arnold tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 35417 Office: BAR II/30
Dr.-Ing. Manfred Dietrich manfred.dietrich tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 37523 Office: BAR II/30
Dr.-Ing. Robert Fischbach robert.fischbach tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 35208 Office: BAR II/27
Dipl.-Ing. Ben Rosul benny.rosul tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 32078 Office: BAR II/20f
Dipl.-Ing. Susann Rothe susann.rothe mailbox.tu-dresden.de Ph.: +49 351 463 35417 Office: BAR II/30
M. Sc. Tilman Horst tilman.horstposteo.de
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Günter Röhrs *06.05.1932 †01.03.2020
Last Update: Jul 10, 2023