Fundamentals of
Layout Design for Electronic Circuits
Jens Lienig, Juergen
2020, 306 pages, Springer International Publishing
eBook ISBN 978-3-030-39284-0
email jens.lienig [at]
ifte.de if you find any errors.
p. 43: "As long as the wavelength of light is smaller
than the feature size..." (not "greater").
p. 137: "The outer shells are
generalizations, the inner shells..." (not "cells").
p. 184: "This over- or underflow is the ratio of the gcell’s
capacity and the number of nets assigned to it. Detailed routing
should only be attempted if this ratio does not exceed the value 1
..." -- The first sentence should be reversed: "This over- or
underflow is the ratio of the number of nets assigned to the gcell
and the gcell’s capacity."
p. 210: … in Chap. 2, cf. Fig. 2.8.)
p. 225, Fig. 6.10: Label "R1" and "R2" should be exchanged in the
sectional view of the PSD resistor.
p. 293:
Following the convention that
compressive stress is defined as negative and tensile stress as
positive, the following change is required: "Similar to thermal
migration, this leads to diffusion in the direction of the
positive mechanical tension gradient (Fig. 7.29)."
p. 299; Fig. 7.36: It should be "RSMT net topology"
(rectilinear Steiner minimum tree).
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