VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure
Andrew B. Kahng, Jens Lienig, Igor L. Markov, Jin Hu
2nd edition, 2022, 317 pages, Springer

ISBN 978-3-030-96414-6, eBook 978-3-030-96415-3
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-96415-3; SLUB online, SLUB print


Errata (2nd edition)


Please email jens.lienig [at] ifte.de if you find any errors.

  • None so far...



VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure
Andrew B. Kahng, Jens Lienig, Igor L. Markov, Jin Hu
1st edition, 2011, 310 pages, Springer

ISBN 978-90-481-9590-9, Soft cover 978-94-007-9020-9, eBook 978-90-481-9591-6
10.1007/978-90-481-9591-6; SLUB_print


Errata (1st edition)


Please email jens.lienig [at] ifte.de if you find any errors.

  • p. 16 in Chapter 1: line 1 "as similar to an FPGA" → "is similar to an FPGA".

  • p. 61 in Chapter 3, Fig 3: the slicing trees don't impose any order on the arrangement of the cut lines, e.g., modules c and d are swapped in the figure. Thus, generating the floorplan from a slicing tree is ambiguous. For vertical cuts, the left child should represent the left submodule; for horizontal cuts, the left child should represent the lower submodule; trees are evaluated in top-down and left-right manner, and floorplans are generated from lower-left towards upper-right corner.

  • p. 124 in Chapter 4: The legalization of mixed-size netlists that contain large movable blocks is particularly challenging [4.14] → [4.7].

  • p. 143, in Chapter 5, Fig 5.14: "Hanan Points" is missing one Hanan point at the top.

  • p. 186 in Chapter 6: Forbidden pitch rules prohibit routing wires at certain distances apart, but allows smaller or greater spacings → ...but allow smaller or greater spacings.


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Last update: 27.12.2023